Holzer Health Center

Parent's Corner

Frequently Asked Questions

I didn't buy the Student Health Insurance for my student. Can they still be seen at the Holzer Health Center?

是的,霍尔泽健康中心对所有注册的学生开放,不管他们是否有保险. 参观时应出示学生证和保险卡.

What is the charge for a visit at the Holzer Health Center?

There is no charge for registered students to be seen for an office visit. However, any labs, x-rays, 手术费用或专家会诊费用将计入他们的保险, 或者如果我们不接受保险,在访问时支付. 这包括室内实验室测试,如链球菌性喉炎测试、尿液分析、单核细胞增多症等. We accept cash or credit/debit cards. 

What services are provided at the Holzer Health Center?

大多数疾病都可以在霍尔泽健康中心诊断和治疗. 受伤将在健康中心范围内进行评估和治疗. 任何需要进一步治疗的疾病或伤害将接受初步护理,然后转介到适当的设施或我们的内部家庭执业医生 Dr. David Badolato. If a diagnostic test is required, 卫生中心将提供订单并引导他们到诊断设施. Sprains, strains, 轻微骨折和其他肌肉骨骼疾病可转介给我们的内部运动医学医生 Dr. Stephen Badolato. 当提供血清时,可进行反复过敏致敏注射, 并且会产生一笔行政费用,这笔费用将由你的保险公司支付. Immunizations, wellness visits, 身体检查或健康检查服务可额外收费.

Who provides health care at the Holzer Health Center?

霍尔泽健康中心配备了两名全职执业护士、三名医疗助理和一名患者辩护律师. 运动医学医师和初级保健医师可在整个月安排预约. 委员会认证的精神科医生和脊医也可预约. 如果您的儿子或女儿的病情需要在健康中心提供的服务之外的医疗护理,您的儿子或女儿将被协助转介到适当的专家或医院.

What is a Nurse Practitioner, and what can they do?

执业护士是在医疗保健专业领域受过高等教育和临床培训的注册护士. 霍尔泽健康中心的护士从业人员持有护理学硕士学位, are licensed by the State of Florida as an APRN, and are Board Certified in their specialty.  执业护士提供许多与医生相同的服务, including but not limited to: physical examinations; evaluation, diagnosis and treatment; dispensing medication and prescriptions; ordering laboratory, and diagnostic testing; performing certain minor procedures; and referring for physical or chiropractic therapy.

我的学生患有慢性疾病,需要定期检查和补充药物.  Can Holzer Health Center accommodate that?

虽然霍尔泽健康中心更像是一个紧急护理中心, 我们可以对简单的慢性疾病进行日常护理和药物补充, and will refer offsite for specialist care if indicated. 请致电您的保险公司,以确保他们将支付与外部供应商和专家的访问. 许多保险公司都有“离家”计划,如果你有HMO的话,这个计划会包括在内.  You can choose any local provider.  However, 我们推荐首选初级护理/首选紧急护理(321-242-SICK或321-253-2169),因为他们管理霍尔泽健康中心, and are always happy to accommodate Florida Tech students. 

My student does not have a car. 霍尔泽健康中心有非处方药吗?

是的,在健康中心可以买到许多常见的物品,价格通常低于当地零售商. 少量的处方药是可用的,可以由我们的一个提供者开处方.

Where can a student fill prescription medications?

保健中心有一个药房,里面有许多非专利药物,可以由执业护士开处方和配发, or filled at any of the local pharmacies.  Some pharmacies offer a delivery service.

If a student needs to see a specialist, and we have purchased the student Health Insurance, will they need a referral?

No, 拥有学生健康保险的学生不需要转诊给专科医生. 但是,提供者可以根据需要提供适当的转介和/或建议.


根据《亚洲博彩平台》,任何年满18岁的学生都有权对其医疗保健信息进行保密保护, referred to as HIPPA.  This is a Federal Law that applies to all health care settings. 如果学生没有在健康信息保护同意书上明确指定,霍尔泽健康中心不能向任何人提供任何信息.

What if the student is a minor?

如果你或你的家庭成员不在你的儿子或女儿上学期间住得离他们很近, 重要的是要考虑合法授权当地的成年人陪他们去任何当地的专家预约或诊断设施. 未成年人在没有法定监护人在场的情况下不得接受任何医疗或治疗, with the exception of being seen at the Holzer Health Center. The authorized adult must be over 18, and is not required to make decisions for your son or daughter, but must be present for them to receive medical care. We encourage you to be proactive and complete the Minor Care Authorization form before an injury or illness occurs. 

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